
Stuck on the couch with a sleeping kitty on your lap?

Let us entertain you with our blogs covering a wide variety of pet related topics.

Tips for a Spring Hike with your Dog

Tips for a Spring Hike with your Dog

Spring has finally come and with it, warmer weather. Southern California has reverted back to it’s sunny days which also means there will be an influx of hikers treading down those glorious winding Malibu paths that hug the shoreline. One of the most enjoyable hikes...

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How to adjust to older pets in your home

How to adjust to older pets in your home

We all remember the day when we came back home with our new sweet little puppy or kitten! They had so much energy, loved to play, and it was a getting to know each other phase. Over the years, as your pup and kitty grew up well into adulthood, so did your bond....

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Dogs aren’t color blind!

Dogs aren’t color blind!

Many dog owners still believe that their best friend is color blind. This is a common misconception and we are here to tell you the truth about your dogs and their vision. Your pup is not color blind, however their range of colors is smaller than the spectrum in...

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